
- CLIPLOCK locking groove and locking clip (patent pending) prevent incomplete connections of the Truck/Trailer Air Line Couplings and add another layer of locking protection with added visual confirmation.
- A dangling CLIPLOCK locking clip is a visual indicator that the locking clip has not been engaged and the coupling connection may not be complete.
- If the Female Coupling is not fully connected to the Male Coupling, the Coupling collar will partially cover the CLIPLOCK locking clip groove preventing access for the locking clip.
- New CLIPLOCK part numbers created with the letters CL at the end of the part number indicate supply CLIPLOCK Coupling and Locking Clip
- New part number e.g. GP-941-08CL, GP-951-08CL
- CLIPLOCK patent pending locking clip can be purchased separately and retro fitted to couplings with CLIPLOCK patent pending groove #GP-CL-01
- On all female couplings including Bulkheads
- Engineering break through, adding value and safety to the existing couplings that have been in use for over 50 years